Thursday, February 15, 2007

A Love's Tale... 1st part Dialogue...the beginning

(Player 1)
Does anyone else see?
The beautiful sun behind the tree?
In a certain degree
None can see it but me…!

(Player 2)
But, of what sun do you speak?
That who enlightens the sky…
The source of the earth’s heat
Or someone who caught your eye?
And makes you dream, while you sleep…

(Player 1)
Alas, it is the latter…
And not my eye, but my heart!
That is the state of the matter
And she is a piece of fine art!

(Player 2)
I’m curious; tell me more about her…

(Player 1)
I shall do, but later…


Carla said...

Lindo dialogo, ficaremos à espera que nos contes mais sobre ela...
beijos :)

M.M. said...

Hello John!
Beautiful Blog.
I like this poeme.
Good Luck.

