(Exit player 1 enters player 3)
(Player 3)
Tell me my honest friend
What has gone wrong with him?
I have seen it too absent
Almost as if it is lost within!
(Player 2)
It was struck by Cupid’s arrow!
Deep inside is faithful heart
And now’s lost in sorrow
‘Bout things that did not came to part!
(Player 3)
Really? I am certainly blind!
Such thing I did not foresee!
That he has a troubled mind
As troubled as it could be!
I shall go to him at once
And gain his confidence.
So that I can be shown
About things to come…
Nota do autor: O que começou como um simples diálogo, tem vindo a ganhar na minha mente o aspecto de uma peça teatral! Veremos onde isto vai parar... para já vou publicado aqui os excertos (mas não as notas da peça, apenas a entrada e saída de actores). Por enquanto ainda não há nomes, mas quando os houver eles substituirão os vários "players". Quero aproveitar para deixar um grande beijinho a uma amiga, que ontem eu promovi a minha ajudante na definição do enredo, risos. Para ti, um cumprimento muito especial: "Let my kiss touch your face... gently, like heaven's grace" :)
Hello John!
beautiful dialogue.
I`ll wait for more, and more, and more, and more, and more, and more...!
Broken Appointment
You did not come
And marching Time drew on, and wore me numb.
Yet less for loss of your dear presence there
Than that I thus found lacking in your make
That high compassion which can overbear
Reluctance for pure loving kindness' sake
Grieved I, when, as the hope-hour stroked its sum,
You did not come.
You love me not
And love alone can lend you loyalty;
I know and knew it. But, unto the store
Of human deeds divine in all but name,
Was it not worth a little hour or more
To add yet this: Once you, a woman, came
To soothe a time-torn man; even though it be
You love me not.
Thomas Hardy
Um beijo,
Ana Carolina
Deixa que ganhe a sua confiança, para que mais me seja revelado,
O que agora só a uma mente está confinado...
;) Beijinhos
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