Saturday, September 08, 2007

Challenge: The closest book

My good Friend Nadir hugged me with a book in her blog "Just Feelings" and she made me the following challenge:

1st. To pick the closest book;

2nd. To open it on page 161;

3rd. To seek the 5th complete sentence;

4th. To transcribe the sentence in the blog;

5th. Obviously, a person must be honest and really stick to the page above!

The Book is:

Zorro from Isabel Allende

The sentence, from page 161 (from the narrator):

"She was certain that they were all unfortunate souls, compatriots murdered by the arabs in Granada"

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Until my return... I leave for another journey soon.

Fare thee well


Saturday, June 16, 2007

So much to do... and so little time!

Been kind of busy lately… but still I manage to find some time to do my writings… even most because, to be truth… I need it! Sometimes I find myself with much to say, and this is the best form to say it! Writing! After all this time, all this growth… it’s still hard to believe in how I could change so much! I’ve always liked to call myself a “lone wolf”, because it figures me rather well! Today, I am still a lone wolf, but my heart and soul aren’t all that satisfied! This blog may seem a little abandoned by me, but that is merely an illusion! It’s no secret that this is not my most important space, but sometimes I need a place less “visible”, and this is the space for that. My heart and soul needed something else, and so the idea to create this space… the idea to express my feelings in this foreign (but so familiar to me) language! And today, after quite some time, I return here, with a new text, describing something not so new… my feelings, my dreams… what I would like to see over the horizon… the path that I would follow… if I could! The hope that a lover’s heart has inside… I can feel it fading away… as if it flies like in the song… no more I wish to report today…

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Because of you

Something tells me that the war isn't over yet! Somehow, I realize that there's something missing... and a dream tells me just that!

who dares coming at this time,
during my hours of sleep?

Why is my mind making a rhyme
witch my heart and soul will keep?

Because of you... It could only be... who else would invade my mind while I sleep? I thought you no longer had that power! But...

Only in my dreams, I can see your face...
fair is thine beauty, silky night
sun's delight and heaven's grace!
winds aside, angels flight, sweet disgrace!
moons arise, colours sight, empty space!

Since I've meet you... I've learned to dream! I've learned to feel... to see, to understand the true meaning of life, of existence... because of you, I've changed! What can I say?

I can say... thank you!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

A Love's Tale 5th Part

(Player 1)

Is it wrong to chase a dream?
To follow it with all the strength
inside a men's chest?
Or if that dream may cause harm to many...
should one give up?
Isn't the first task of a men
fight for himself above anything?
Or one as noble as I
should think on my duties first...
I never asked to be the king's only son!
But I cannot escape that fate...
Being the king's son, I have duties
my heart and soul comes second...
should be like that I suppose!
But neither mine heart
nor my soul agree!
There may come a time
when one may find his dreams
to be dangerous.
To me, the only danger I find
is to be left behind.

Friday, March 30, 2007

A Love's Tale 4th Part

(Player 1)

Surely king I shall be one day
As my noble father would say
But born of a king my lady is not
Of royal her blood has not a single drop.

(Player 3)

My lord! Thine royal blood
Certainly demands a royal union!

(Player 1)

Aye, alas my heart thinks otherwise
I was trapped by her gentle eyes
Her sweet voice, her angel sight
Now within me lies
One dream that keeps me wake
One road I must take.

(Player 3)

The king is thy sovereign
Either in heaven or hell he will never accept
Thine faded and distorted illusions
Thine love, my lord, can not be kept.

Monday, March 19, 2007

A Love's Tale 3rd Part

Enters Player 1, it’s almost midnight now, player 3 is spying upon him

Tell me oh Spirits of the night
What has gone wrong with my mind?
Everywhere I turn, cross my heart
Always I get the same sight!
Asleep or wake alike!
Tell me oh Spirits of the night
What has gone wrong with my mind…?
I do know why, don’t I?
So why seek an answer
To something I already know inside!

(Enters Player 3)

(Player 3)

Indeed, the answer you seek
Lies within your soul
Now, let us speak
About your heart’s goal…

(Player 1)

You were listening to my sorrow?
My thoughts are my own!
And what can you know
About my hurting soul?

(Player 3)

The arrow that struck you
Struck me as well
A long time ago
I too have felled.
I have seen you alone
But not have realized
What was going on!
Who’s she milord?
Surely one noble daughter
Of a great king
Such as you shall be one day.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

International Woman's day

Within every woman in the world, there is one soul, one star, one centre of the universe... there is love, joy, feelings. There is strength, passion, there is wisdom and there is kindness. Within every woman in the world... there is life.

To all the women :)

I am certain you recognize this rose… it’s the same I gave you once. Today I find it appropriate to give it to you once again.

But know this… inside my heart, I still keep the other rose…

For you, in this day, I send you one big kiss, and wish you one happy woman’s day

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

My Banner...

one clock, symbol of time...
one red rose, symbol of love...
one blue sky, as symbol of peace of mind...

let it be good, with all my Heart and soul...

Nota do autor: Um grande agradecimento à minha amiga Nadir, que teve a paciência de atender ao meu pedido :)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

A Love's Tale 2nd Part

(Exit player 1 enters player 3)

(Player 3)

Tell me my honest friend
What has gone wrong with him?
I have seen it too absent
Almost as if it is lost within!

(Player 2)

It was struck by Cupid’s arrow!
Deep inside is faithful heart
And now’s lost in sorrow
‘Bout things that did not came to part!

(Player 3)

Really? I am certainly blind!
Such thing I did not foresee!
That he has a troubled mind
As troubled as it could be!
I shall go to him at once
And gain his confidence.
So that I can be shown
About things to come…

Nota do autor: O que começou como um simples diálogo, tem vindo a ganhar na minha mente o aspecto de uma peça teatral! Veremos onde isto vai parar... para já vou publicado aqui os excertos (mas não as notas da peça, apenas a entrada e saída de actores). Por enquanto ainda não há nomes, mas quando os houver eles substituirão os vários "players". Quero aproveitar para deixar um grande beijinho a uma amiga, que ontem eu promovi a minha ajudante na definição do enredo, risos. Para ti, um cumprimento muito especial: "Let my kiss touch your face... gently, like heaven's grace" :)

Thursday, February 15, 2007

A Love's Tale... 1st part Dialogue...the beginning

(Player 1)
Does anyone else see?
The beautiful sun behind the tree?
In a certain degree
None can see it but me…!

(Player 2)
But, of what sun do you speak?
That who enlightens the sky…
The source of the earth’s heat
Or someone who caught your eye?
And makes you dream, while you sleep…

(Player 1)
Alas, it is the latter…
And not my eye, but my heart!
That is the state of the matter
And she is a piece of fine art!

(Player 2)
I’m curious; tell me more about her…

(Player 1)
I shall do, but later…

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Saint Valentine's Day

I’ am sorry, but I cannot say that this is one of my favourite days… for me it only serves to remind that I am alone…

Maybe one day I’ll laugh about these words! But until that day…

Being one lone wolf in Saint Valentine’s Day, let’s just say, it is not heaven! But I am still here, and I pray that better times will come soon enough!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Bem vindos

Surgiu-me hoje mesmo a ideia de criar um novo espaço... este espaço, o seu nome em inglês mostra um pouco da filosofia inerente aqui. Irei expressar-me somente nesta língua, por isso este será o único post que verão na língua de Camões! Não irei traduzir nada, pois fico sempre insatisfeito com as traduções... Desejo-vos uma boa viagem pela minha alma e coração :)

Let it be good...