Friday, March 30, 2007

A Love's Tale 4th Part

(Player 1)

Surely king I shall be one day
As my noble father would say
But born of a king my lady is not
Of royal her blood has not a single drop.

(Player 3)

My lord! Thine royal blood
Certainly demands a royal union!

(Player 1)

Aye, alas my heart thinks otherwise
I was trapped by her gentle eyes
Her sweet voice, her angel sight
Now within me lies
One dream that keeps me wake
One road I must take.

(Player 3)

The king is thy sovereign
Either in heaven or hell he will never accept
Thine faded and distorted illusions
Thine love, my lord, can not be kept.


Carla said...

Sangue real deveria ter a sua amada, mas não têm... será que não?, será que a realeza só se ganha no berço?, pela forma como falas dela, parece-me a mim uma princesa, mesmo sem correr uma unica de sangue de nobreza nas suas veias ...

M.M. said...

Olá John!
Estes posts em inglês, estão a tornar-se muito shakesperianos.
Estou a gostar imenso.
Go On!
I want reed more, and more, and more.

A hug for you:


Carla said...

Uma Páscoa Muito Feliz